Sunday, March 15, 2009

Economy Crisis

Well folks! What we have been waiting for is here in Malaysia. The government just announced a so-called mini-budget or a stimulus package whichever you want to call it. RM60 billion is the number in question.

Now, just where this amount is the government to get it from? And how this package is to be distributed effectively? Thru government expenditure? I might as well say that this amount will go to the coffers of the cronies and buddies of BN.

We the people will get zip from that package. In addition, the government is squeezing the life out of us by taxing and penalties of many forms like late submission of annual return etc. I got to know that companies which filed late for their annual return and audited accounts will be penalised to the maximum. But fortunately, some of the officers in the LHDN are quite sympatethic to the working class and small thriving companies like mine.

One way to overcome or to be resilient during this global crisis is to invest in gold. Yes the basic commodity that has been in existent from the dark ages. Maybe it is time that our currency to be altered to be based on the gold reserve instead of forex trading - demand & supply method.

At least we still have some dignity by owning some gold coins or jewellery during this troubling times. A lot of my business associates are screaming pain.

Well let's think to how to create opportunities from this crisis. If you have, do tell me. But please, I'm not interested in MLM!

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