Friday, June 10, 2011

Welcome to a new life

Folks, what can I say. I am on another mission. Just got mobilised to another battlefield and this time it is more intense. Why? I am closer to my nemesis and they are three of them. Well actually, it is 3+1 because the three stooges have a snitch, or may be 2, in my battalion. Identified one and trying to root out another mole.

The battlefield has a lot of advantages and disadvantages to my strategic manouvres. Anyway, as Sun Tzu said, "know the enemy and know yourself, the heaven and earth will be yours". Guess I know the 3 stooges modus operandi and there is a bona fide evidence that they are releasing all the missiles they have to undermine my strength. So far, 75% of my battalion understood my principle and my objectives and mission. Which translate that the 25% remaining is under the protection of the snitch and/or do not have a clue to what we are trying to achieve.

God Bless my soul and my intention. It is no longer just is crusade now.

Strategic Actions requires Strategic Thinking and I am not planning to fail!