Monday, July 19, 2010

Absentia in Dementia

Really don't know what it means but just to tell you that I have been missing from my blog for quite awhile now. From my OWN blog!

A lot of things have surfaced throughout the first half of the year. Mainly politics and the government administrative bodies. To think that the same people who were supposed to govern policies to eradicate and avoid criminal acts are the ones who commit the wrongdoings.

On politics, I am still waiting for our PM to reshuffle his cabinet....maybe he is still busy re-arranging his wardrobe....maybe to put few more "peti besi" (safe box) in his domain due to several GLCs have lost money. Maybe the ex-PMs are also involved in this but may not be in the same cohort.

Malaysian economy is going for another surprise as the second financial tsunami is on the way to Asia, particularly South East Asian countries. How, property bubble in China is going to explode somewhat similar to US sub-prime crisis. However, Chinese government may circumvent this by continuous capital control in terms of its currency speculation and foreign exchange. As long China can maintain and sustain its trade surplus, FDIs will continue to pour.

An email just in today to inform that Malaysian government, specifically the ministers and prime minister represent the 3 types of idiots i.e. bodoh, bangang and bahlul.
Bodoh: proposed building a new parliament house at Putrajaya at a cost of RM800 million
Bangang: construction cost of new king's palace escalated from RM400 million to RM810 million
Bahlul: Government has insufficient funds to provide scholarship to students.

No relation to the above, my business has gone from small to zilch. Many thanks to the current economic condition and the haywire management of GLCs and the state funds by the 3 idiots. I am at a crossroads whether to join a private-limited company owned by a billionaire or join a private-limited company owned by a foreign millionaire. Yet to see what the millionaire will offer. The billionaire plc offered 42% from my current salary as remuneration while the millionaire has in principle agreed to give 63% of my current salary. Barring other incentives, perks and benefits, millionaire plc's offer is better. But then again, the terms have not been mutually agreed and put on paper. Just hope that the best is yet to come.

Padan muka aku!