Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Crime & Punishment

So the title goes. What worries me is that the judgment passed by the court is not always "setimpal" with the crimes committed by the defendant/pesalah. How would a layman thinks when an ex-Chief Minister who was found guilty of corruption got 1-year jail term compared to a mother who stole a can of milk to feed her hungry child gets a 2-year jail term.

There ought to be a judiciary tribunal to review the punishment system to reach all fairness in passing judgment.

What say you.

Friday, October 21, 2011

HUDUD Issue Again!

A never-ending story on HUDUD. But most politicians failed to realise that HUDUD is just a set of law and it is not all about punishment. It is meant to be a deterrent to all concern and not just the Muslims.

If a Muslim ruler or Muslim dominated government intends to implement HUDUD, it must transcend on every citizen of one country, regardless of ethnic or religion background.

How to achieve this? Well, it is simple enough. Education, Learning and Accepting. We, Muslims, must educate the public what HUDUD is all about. Learn to entice and persuade the public until we reach the level of acceptance.

HUDUD is not just to cut one's hand, to throw stones at adulterers, to cane wrongdoers etc. It is much more than that.

Have anybody ever think why the public seems so scared of HUDUD? It is caused by sheer ignorance by Muslims and the non-Muslims alike. Never want to understand.

Where we Muslims stand n0w? Are we going to just let the politicians politicise HUDUD or educate what it is all about? Are there anybody out there that really can explain how HUDUD come into existence and from where in the Holy Quran that mentioned HUDUD? How the type of punishment is formulated? Where are the sources? These pertinent points need to be addressed and presented before anybody in the political side can debate on this issue!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Welcome to a new life

Folks, what can I say. I am on another mission. Just got mobilised to another battlefield and this time it is more intense. Why? I am closer to my nemesis and they are three of them. Well actually, it is 3+1 because the three stooges have a snitch, or may be 2, in my battalion. Identified one and trying to root out another mole.

The battlefield has a lot of advantages and disadvantages to my strategic manouvres. Anyway, as Sun Tzu said, "know the enemy and know yourself, the heaven and earth will be yours". Guess I know the 3 stooges modus operandi and there is a bona fide evidence that they are releasing all the missiles they have to undermine my strength. So far, 75% of my battalion understood my principle and my objectives and mission. Which translate that the 25% remaining is under the protection of the snitch and/or do not have a clue to what we are trying to achieve.

God Bless my soul and my intention. It is no longer just satisfaction......it is crusade now.

Strategic Actions requires Strategic Thinking and I am not planning to fail!